Monday, December 20, 2010

8 Things I Hated Finding In My Halloween Bucket

Halloween = sugar induced coma!

My brothers and I would get all dressed up for the sole purpose of obtaining as much candy as possible. We lived in a subdivision around a golf course, so we didn't have to travel very far to fill our bags with candy. I was usually a princess or something else really girly.

There were a few amazing houses that everyone in the subdivision knew about. One house you had to climb a particularly grueling hill to get to but once there you were rewarded with a King-sized candybar. To have this in my possession was like having a forbidden treasure because my parents would never buy king-sized candy bars. And it was a fast track to a chocolate/sugar induced coma.

Then there was a house that passed out cans of coke. This was also considered a treasure. Liquid sugar = faster coma.

The best house however was the neighbor that lived behind us. His driveway could be entered from a road outside the subdivision. The only way to get to his house from the subdivision was through our backyard. Since we were the only ones who visited him he would give us money and fruit. I love fruit when it comes with cash!

When our buckets were full or more likely when our feet were tired we would head back to the house. We spaced ourselves out in the living room and dumped our candy out to sort through it.

Most of the candy were little packages of happiness, however there were some things I dreaded finding in my bucket. I'm sure somewhere in the world people want these things, however, I did not.

1. Candy Corn

About the only time I actually eat candy corn is mindlessly from a bowl on a table at a party or get-together. Then moments later I gag a little and wonder why I just ate it.

2. Cheap Suckers

I know! It's hard to imagine that I don't like eating something that tastes like dissolving plastic with a slight sugar flavor. But I don't!

3. Homemade Treats

I'm sure everyone who makes homemade treats are wonderful bakers, however, there were some problems with these treats. 1. More often than not they were rice krispie treats, which I hate. 2. My mom made us throw all homemade treats away, because "we don't know where they came from." 

4. Fangs

Fangs are NOT candy. Also I am a princess, not a vampire. Although I'm sure now a days girls love getting these because of "Twilight." But still if I'm trick-or-treating then I have a costume on. I don't need help.

5. Spider Rings

Spider rings are also NOT candy!

6. Gumdrops

They come in lots of shapes and sizes and names, but generally I don't like these gummy things. They usually are off-brand, bad-tasting, and get stuck in your teeth so you have the taste with you for a long time.

7. Cheap Gum

Unless you are trying to get rid of a loose baby tooth, there is not point to this gum. It causes jaw aches and the flavor lasts about .2 seconds. Even better is when its really old, then it is like chewing on a rock and I have rocks in my yard.

8. Popcorn Balls

You might say "that just looks like a yellow blob." That is exactly how I felt when I found popcorn balls in my bucket.

I'm sure there are many people out there who love all these things and you can go write all about it.

1 comment:

  1. Loved the story...and now only Andrew is left at home...I buy him Kingsize! LOL....
