Thursday, March 31, 2011

Paranormal Activity

So I picked the wrong night to watch Paranormal Activity. In general I should probably avoid watching movies at night time that end with demon possession and a girl looking like this:

I was freaked out a little when I went back to my apartment. I was going to sleep on the couch which was at least somewhat closer to my roommates. But then I told myself that I needed to grow up and get over my fear and just go to sleep in my own room, because nothing was going to happen to me.

So I went to my room and wrote in my journal. Then I decided to look up some bible verses that would calm me down before I turned off the light to go to bed. As I flipped through the index I heard a huge supernatural bang and a flash of red light flooded my room.

And then the room was filled with complete darkness because even the lights outside my window were out.

I froze because I was certain that a demon was after me. But after a few beats of being stuck in a frozen state I realized how exposed I was. I threw my comforter over my head, because as you well know comforters are supernatural protection shields. For the sake of not having all black pictures I will give you the view through the blanket. I quickly grabbed my phone and called one of the girls I watched the movie with. This is what I told her:

And then without waiting for her reply I hung up the phone. About forty minutes later I noticed my phone was on silent and I had missed calls from her, because I had freaked her out. Which is understandable, I would have been freaked out by my phone call too. I could hear my roommate's voice outside my room, which also accounted for the footsteps I had heard. I yelled out to her.

Because I didn't want to get out of my bed. I was still pretty sure there was a demon.

I eventually did get safely to my roommate's room and stayed there until I was groggy and dragged myself back to my room because I was too tired to care. And it ended up not being a demon but instead the transformer box outside my window that people worked on all night and continued to make popping noises. So that was my experience with paranormal activity this week.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Tashaland: Part 1

I'm not even sure how to explain this, but if you know about Tashaland then this will make sense. And if you don't then you can look at the pretty pictures.

Words by Coleman Yoakum and Ted Wheetley.


Sometimes people are lonely. Sometimes people are sad.

But when that happens I grab them by the hand,

And I take them to a beautiful place called Tashaland.

In Tashaland there are magical creatures.

I even have a unicorn as a teacher.

Everyone has their very own puppy dog,

his tail all a waggin'.

And there are even some pretty friendly dragons.

More to come.... 


In Tashaland Tiffany always wears pink.

Pictures of the Day: Treadmill Warnings

Someone in my family has a sense of humor. I found these on the treadmill at home.

And my favorite:

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Best Medicine Ever!

I officially love Vick's. Yesterday Vick's healed me. To begin with I self-diagnosed myself with Bronchitis, because there's no need to go to the Doctor for Bronchitis. There is only treatment for the symptoms and I can self medicate for those.

My Drugs of Choice:

I hadn't used Vick's VapoRub in a long time, since I was a little kid. I was miserable, because my lungs were sad and in severe pain. I was coughing like crazy and I decided to use some so I could breathe again.

The VapoRub began to work its magic and my lungs were able to relax, but as I began to relax I started getting a pinching feeling in my shoulder. The pinching began to turn into severe pain.

So I self-diagnosed myself with a pinch nerve, which was probably wrong, but that doesn't matter. My parents finally decided it was time I take medicine and go to bed, probably because of my annoying self-agonizing.

But for some reason I had myself convinced that my shoulder pain was caused by the NyQuil that I took the night before, despite it being 24 hours later. Thankfully my parents and the remembrance of how wonderfully NyQuil works convinced me that NyQuil would be the best solution. 

When I woke up this morning I coughed up half my lungs and then I felt so much better.

Why? Because NyQuil is a miracle drug.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


This week I was given this reassurance by a former coworker.

"If you see Bigfoot its okay to be scared and run because them things are big and fast."

Well I've never seen Bigfoot. I highly doubt I could outrun one since I probably don't have the ability to outrun the majority of humankind, but nevertheless if faced with the situation I think I would at least try. But then I would definitely be eaten by Bigfoot.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Pictures of the Day: Jackalope

The archaeology class at Harding meets at an awesome dig site that was created by the professor who teaches the class. It was a large endeavor but an amazing accomplishment. He recreated three different eras that were then covered in dirt and turned into an archeaological dig site that is slowly being uncovered. Everything is scaled down and is a model of ancient cities.

Here is my group's site before we started digging:

That is the wall the classes before us uncovered.

It is always exciting to find something. My group found a wall on the next layer down and a broken clay oil lamp. One day we were getting really desperate and I found something in the ground and I began to "articulate" it or basically spend tons of time carefully picking away dirt from an object that might have significance to it. 

I realized quickly that I was in fact articulating a root, but that did not stop me from just pulling it out of the site and throwing it in the bucket to be hauled away. Instead I worked really hard to clear all the dirt away from it as though it was a precious artifact and I was Indiana Jones.

This is what I had carefully uncovered:

Once I had completely articulated it and it remained in the plot I showed my professor. This is roughly the conversation that followed.

Me: Look at what I found!
Professor: Do you think that is an artifact?
Me: Maybe.
Pro: Well then what do you think it is?
Me: Well if everything is scaled down then I think its a Jackalope.

And so I was supposed to take the "root" and throw it out, but instead I kept it and it rides in my car. My brother stepped on it and broke the horns off but maybe one day I'll glue it back together, because that's what Archaeologists do.

By the way the Jackalope is a mythological animal that's a mix between a Jackrabbit and the horns of an Antelope. When I went to Wyoming as a child my dad convinced me that they existed.