Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I need sleep

I've been up for almost 24 hours so I should go to bed but no. So I drew you a picture. I never ever want to look up from the front desk and see this.

By the way that's a man in only underwear and surgical gloves.

Its always comforting to get a call to shut and lock the doors because something like this was let loose into society.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Life After College

Well let's see, I haven't been on my blog for a long time. So I decided it was about time to start posting again. This is what has happened in my life since I left you.

I did in fact graduate. I should have gotten a special medal for completing my education in 4 years. It doesn't seem like the common thing to do these days.

Then two weeks later my diploma was sent to my parents. Below is my rendition of what it might look like. I don't know....I've never seen it. Although it's only fitting that it goes to my parents since they paid for the piece of paper.

Then I worked for 4 days at Harding Grounds Crew pulling weeds.

Some interesting things happened there. Like finding poppy. Then I got offered a job as a Night Auditor at a hotel in the air conditioning. Yes. Please. Especially with this July heat. So I work 11pm to 7am. Interesting shift. People say "you should blog about it." I say "I'm pretty sure that's how you lose your job. People do in fact know how to use computers to find out what you're saying." But I love my job there. Good people, fun times.

Look! Me smiling at the front desk.

Well I've had some crazy road trips and good stories this summer so those will be written about in the near present future.

So what's life like after college?

Well I'm just as confused. I now attempt to only do one adult thing a day. Today I unloaded and loaded the dishwasher. Tomorrow I will do laundry and if Im super motivated I might even clean the fish bowl!!! But probably not, because that would be two things and so I will probably clean the fish bowl on Wednesday. And that is what my life is like :)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Picture of the Day: Teeny little BAT!

He's just hangin' out in the hallway outside my room.

I looked it up and I think it's an Indiana bat. And it's probably male because the females migrate north during the summer months. 

And it makes sense that he's a male because he's in the prime location to be lazy and still get to eat a ton. He's hanging off the light in the hallway so during the day he stays cool and at night the light comes on and all the bugs fly to him. He doesn't have to do any work for his food. 

I called the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission because he's endangered and in the dorm, but they said that they only come get them if they are injured. I'm sure he will enjoy his life in the girl's dormitory.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Royal Wedding

In less than five hours I plan on watching the Royal Wedding with a group of people who find joy in such things. While many people are annoyed because of the vast amount of news coverage over the past month or so, I am not. This is simply because I don't ever watch the news when I'm at school.

Today was the one of the first times I encountered something about the wedding out in public. I found these at Bath and Body Works today. They were 50% off, because the wedding is tomorrow. It cracked me up that Bath and Body Works was attempting to capitalize off the wedding.

Kissed by a Prince and Royal Pucker

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Dumbledore's Army

1. I love that this is happening.
2. This is legitimate and sign-ups are in the Ganus Building (by the Admin.)


Last night some pretty bad storms went through Arkansas. Most people took safety precautions, however my friends are adrenaline junkies. I was going out to my JEEP to see if my phone was there when the RAs ran up the stairs and started telling everyone to get on the first floor.

I logically ran down the stairs and out the building because I was not about to be shoved in a small bathroom with a leaky toilet with too many people like last year. Yeah we had a fun dance party for about ten minutes but then it really wasn't that fun being hot and cramped and having to stand.

Then I made an even smarter decision and left with three friends to drive into the eye of the storm, which we were tracking on an iPhone. Let's just say the night was epic. And I might have hidden my face at some points. My favorite moment however was driving through Beebe when the electricity went out. It looked so weird. The lights flickered and then everything went dark and there was a huge flash of lightning that lit up the murky green sky. One of the guys family lives in Beebe so we stopped in there and I ended up with a bunch of books for my ever growing collection.

We ended up not seeing a tornado but we did see some pretty awesome lightening and it was one of my favorite nights of my college career.

Look I drew a really bad tornado!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Paper Outline

I am currently working on a paper for my History of England class. It is over Oscar Wilde's Picture of Dorian Gray and its place and influence in history.

It's good that we never had to turn in an outline, because while a typical outline looks like this:

My brain produced something that looks more like this. I hope it works.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Camping Trip 2008

I found this in my journal and it made me laugh...for some reason I have a tendency to write in play form.

Brother: We are in Indiana's lungs.
Me: What?
Brother: You know, like the rainforest is the earth's lungs.
Me: You sound like an environmentalist.
Brother: I am NOT an environmentalist!

Brother: Has America even claimed this land yet?

*Passing by a run down cement building*
Me: That's where we are staying.
Brother: Don't kid about these things.

*Approaching large lodge complete with an aquatics center including a water slide and lazy river*
Me: Yep our family knows how to camp.

Brother: Dad, when you came here as a kid were you in a horse-drawn buggy?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


This is how I feel about the end of the semester that is looming over me.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Pictures of the Day: Tornado or Rather Straight Winds

So last night I woke up to the building shaking and the wind hitting the window so hard I thought it was going to bust in. This morning when I walked on the main part of campus I found out just how strong the winds were.

That is in fact a whole tree down.
I went to check my JEEP and it had been hit.

By a leaf.

These are the sad broken trees that two years ago when I was working on grounds crew they worked so hard to keep them alive. When they finally were growing well after two years, the wind took them out.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Monday was definitely a Monday. I woke up to it raining. I got ready just to walk outside and get soaked. Then the rain cleared, but my day didn't get any better. I started walking down a flight of stairs.

Then I fell.

Then I got back up and took another step.

Then I fell again.

I just sat at the bottom step in shock from my pain as my pants soaked in the water I was sitting on.

When I finally was able to get up my pants were soaked all down the back.

And that was my Monday.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

I've been smirked.

This is Algeria.

This is Algeria smirking at me at Model Arab League, because he hated me for opposing his redundant resolution. In fact Algeria didn't really like anyone. There was an outburst against Palestine, Sudan, and Saudi Arabia. My teammate and I, representing the United Arab Emirates, were cornered separately. I was basically told I couldn't oppose his resolution. Then we went and voted "NO" on it.

When our education resolution came up Algeria opposed it because they hated anyone who tried to oppose them.

Favorite quote of the weekend: "We are already educating too many people." Oh Algeria 69.9% literacy rate, too many?

Views of fake delegates "representing" Algeria are not actual views of the country Algeria. I'm sure Algeria is a wonderful place.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Bird Girl

I always loved going to Camp Wabashi in the summer. One year I fell off the top of the bunk bed and had to go to the hospital and get several stitches in my chin. When I talked to my parents on the phone I cried because I didn't want them to come get me. I wanted to stay at camp. That's how much I loved it.

There were award ceremonies at the end of camp and one year I got "The Bird Girl" award. It sounds like a really weird award, because it was.

When I think of "bird girl" I imagine some creepy person dressed up like a bird.

However I promise that is not why I got this award. I also didn't get the award because of my tendency to have flying dreams where I fly like a bird.

I got the award for trying to save a little baby bird's life, because I'm a sucker from small baby animals. I was leaving the camp cafeteria when I heard a peeping noise coming from beside the building.

It was a tiny baby bird that had fallen from a nest high up under the roof of the building. I took one look at the little puff of feathers and knew that I would take care of it for the rest of its life. It was such a cute puff.

 Until it stretched out its neck and then it looked dumb.

I put the little puff into a Styrofoam cup. It wouldn't stop chirping and I realized that I needed to feed it. I hate worms. I can handle most bugs but worms are disgusting and I hate touching them, but I knew I had to make a sacrifice for the bird if I was going to keep it alive.

I started gathering up worms with the help of my friends at camp and then I took a stick and butchered the worms and put them in an empty can of coke to store them.

I placed the bird in the cup by my bed that night. The next morning despite the fact that the little puff had refused to eat any worms it had fallen out of the cup and barfed purple grossness all over.

My counselor said that the bird was sick and couldn't live without its mother and I should just leave it in the woods. I refused to take her advice and I carried the bird around all day still trying to force it to eat the mutilated worms and drink from a water bottle.

That night I placed the bird in the cup by my bed and the next morning I woke up and the bird was on the ground dead.

I should have gotten this award:

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Death By Popcorn

This past Thursday at work I pretty much almost died. Kristen, my co-worker and I loaded stuff into the back of a golf cart. It was raining so we didn't want to put the forty pound bag of popcorn kernels in the back where it would get wet and mold later on.

So we put the bag between us. It was big and awkward and I had to hold on to it so it wouldn't fall forward. We were calling it a big popcorn baby until we realized forty pounds would be a super big baby so then we called it a popcorn first grader.

We decided that in high school instead of doing egg "babies" in Child Development class everyone should have to carry around a popcorn "first-grader."

 Although this would be a armless, legless first-grader you had to carry everywhere but I digress. This a story about my near death not high school child development classes.

So we were in the golf cart and Kristen took a sharp turn quickly and the weight of the popcorn threatened to knock me out of the cart.

And I was almost certain that I was about to die.

But thankfully I regained my balance by grabbing on to Kristen's arm which was super safe since she was driving. And so I didn't die and I did in fact have to go to work the rest of the weekend.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Picture of the Day

My mom was the one who found this on campus and had me take a picture to text to my dad. Someone had placed a paper over the poster which changed its whole meaning.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Paranormal Activity

So I picked the wrong night to watch Paranormal Activity. In general I should probably avoid watching movies at night time that end with demon possession and a girl looking like this:

I was freaked out a little when I went back to my apartment. I was going to sleep on the couch which was at least somewhat closer to my roommates. But then I told myself that I needed to grow up and get over my fear and just go to sleep in my own room, because nothing was going to happen to me.

So I went to my room and wrote in my journal. Then I decided to look up some bible verses that would calm me down before I turned off the light to go to bed. As I flipped through the index I heard a huge supernatural bang and a flash of red light flooded my room.

And then the room was filled with complete darkness because even the lights outside my window were out.

I froze because I was certain that a demon was after me. But after a few beats of being stuck in a frozen state I realized how exposed I was. I threw my comforter over my head, because as you well know comforters are supernatural protection shields. For the sake of not having all black pictures I will give you the view through the blanket. I quickly grabbed my phone and called one of the girls I watched the movie with. This is what I told her:

And then without waiting for her reply I hung up the phone. About forty minutes later I noticed my phone was on silent and I had missed calls from her, because I had freaked her out. Which is understandable, I would have been freaked out by my phone call too. I could hear my roommate's voice outside my room, which also accounted for the footsteps I had heard. I yelled out to her.

Because I didn't want to get out of my bed. I was still pretty sure there was a demon.

I eventually did get safely to my roommate's room and stayed there until I was groggy and dragged myself back to my room because I was too tired to care. And it ended up not being a demon but instead the transformer box outside my window that people worked on all night and continued to make popping noises. So that was my experience with paranormal activity this week.